Care Membership

Care Membership is Free!

Post jobs, search, and reach out to local caregivers 24/7, to find care for children, adults, pets, housekeeping, tutors, and more. You can use your care membership to find:

  • Nannies and babysitters
  • Senior caregivers
  • Housekeepers
  • Personal assistants
  • Transportation assistance
  • Pet sitters and groomers
  • Summer or vacation camps
  • Special needs caregivers
  • Errand runners
  • Tutors

Expert Assistance

One-on-one assistance of a dedicated advisor who helps make the process of finding your perfect caregiver easier. You can use expert assistance to help you find:

  • Nannies and babysitters
  • Tutors and distance learning facilitators
  • Pet sitters and groomers
  • Housekeepers
  • Special needs caregivers
  • Adult companion care

How does it work?

  1. Enroll and log in at Pearson’s or the Care app to get started. You can also call 1-800‑450‑7071.
  2. Identify the type of care you need at or the app. If you’re calling in, press the number that corresponds to your care needs.
  3. Follow the prompts to complete your search for care.

Already have a Membership?

To access the free membership as a Pearson employee, you will take the following steps:

  • Go to Pearson’s portal
  • Click on “Let’s Get Started” and follow the prompts
  • When you see “Are you new to” select “No.”
  • Enter the email address and password associated with your existing account. You will be prompted to provide your unique employee identifier (Pearson employee ID number) to verify your eligibility for the employer-sponsored membership.